Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This Week's "Wake Up Shoryuken" Podcast

This weeks podcast with loads of information and funny sayings. Enjoy! Courtesy of Just click the play button.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Debut Trailer [HD]

AC Throwdown Interview with Dodson + Hassan pt.2

Sorry Guys.

Sorry guys, no tournament this month. Do to the holiday weekend, and my assumption that y'all will be busy with family and friends, I've decided to not host anything this week. Next week is EVO2k10, so there won't be anything going then either. I'm trying to find a decent TV with a VGA port so we can have an EVO viewing party, but no success yet. So, if any one has a nice TV with the capabilities to view videos from your computer on, let me know asap. It would be really cool if that could happen. So peace, practice up, and make sure you stay tuned to AC Throwdown blog and YouTube channel.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New info.

Hello people, it's yours truly Hassan. Just here to tell you guys and gals, that some changes are gonna go into effect for the next tournament. The most notable will be the price. Instead of a 2 dollar venue fee, the fee will be 5. This will help purchase new equipment and other much needed improvements. Also, instead of taking percentage from the pot, the payout will be 100% of the pot. The second change will be the time. Instead of things starting later at 2, the tournament will start at 1 o'clock. The doors still open at 12 though. This will allow us to have more time to actually have the tournament instead of trying to figure out a way to fit it all. Thirdly, the format of brackets will remain as a best 2 out of 3 matches for non grand final matches. Grand finals will be 3 out 5. Simple I think. Also, I know I messed up on some of the videos, my bad. Next time, I will be getting pre and post tournament interviews and match coverage. If you have video recording equipment, let me know. The more we have, the more we can do.
I'm in the process of making things a lot smoother and nicer for us when it comes to the tournaments. So if you have any suggestions, please email me at Again, every little bit counts, so contribute if you can. Thanks and i hope to yall at the next AC Throwdown.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tournament time!!!

Today is the day! Get excited! "AC Throwdown" is going to be outrageous. Check out the basics about it and come on through. As we grow, it will grow. So show some support for your local scene and always have some fun. See yall there.